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What Sunglasses will fit my face shape?

Deciding on the right sunglasses for your unique style and face shape is one of the hardest parts of shopping for vintage sunglasses online. Whilst there are certainly no fixed rules to what will work best for you this guide will help you get that decision right.

Where To Shop For Vintage In Saigon

Come with us on this quick trip around Saigon's (as is it is known to locals) bustling hems and alleyways to some incredible vintage stores, recommended by Ed & Sarna Vintage Eyewear. 

The History Of Carrera Eyewear

Vintage Carrera sunglasses and glasses frames are legendary. Those who aren't aware will be surprised to learn what a massive effect the founder of the Carrera brand Wilhelm Anger has had upon the whole eyewear industry.

The Best Memes About The 1980s

At Ed & Sarna Vintage Eyewear we love a great meme so we compiled our favourite memes about the 1980s for you to have a chuckle. Let us know what you think and which ones are your favourites. Feel free to tag us on Instagram @edandsarnavintage.

The History Of The Cat Eye Glasses Frame

This feline-inspired style really started to take off in the 1950s as the stars of the day took to wearing this glamourous shape on the big screen. However, if we want to go right to the beginning of the cat eye story we need to learn a little about a legend named Altina Schinasi.